So, the ever so hunky James Franco wrote a book. If you've been living in a cave, you might not know that James Franco is an Actor, a really good one too. It turns out that James Franco is also a painter, director, and writer (he has an MFA from Brooklyn College).
Palo Alto is a collection of short stories about teens in Palo Alto, where James Franco grew up. Some people have said that the book, is not very good, I believe the word "underwhelming" was used. I, however, disagree. The book is very reminiscent of In Our Time by Ernest Hemingway. In Our Time is a collection of short stories written about the war. The are all separate stories but connected. Many of the characters are reoccurring throughout the book, and the tone is quiet and subdued. Short sentences. And the stories don't necessarily say much, not much happens, but even so, they are beautiful, meaningful, profound. This is all the same in Palo Alto. It is gritty and realistic. James Franco's writing style is very similar to that of the great writer of the 1920's, such as Ernest Hemmingway (as mentioned before), F. Scott Fitzgerald, and William Faulkner.
Palo Alto is a great book. Not a happy book, but truly worth reading. You should check it out.